About me

Photo of Michał Wilkosiński

Hi, my name is Michał Wilkosiński. I have been programming and creating web services for 19 years. I’ve worked on dozens of projects - in various technologies, in large and small companies, and in three different countries.

Technology is changing and evolving. New languages, approaches, frameworks, tools, etc., are emerging. Therefore, the craft of programming involves continuous learning of new things. However, there are also a few important skills in this profession that are independent of changes in technology:

Communication skills. Software is usually created by teams, so we must regularly talk to people who are working on it with us, but also with those for whom it is being created. For this, we need the skills of naming things and describing them in a clear and understandable way.

Ability to create maintainable code. When writing code, we must always think about the people who will modify, expand, and maintain it in the future. But without a solid knowledge of programming, we can do little in this regard.

Ability to deliver working code. Because even the most beautifully designed system is worthless until it is deployed for use. And here a conflict with the previous point may arise. The art is to find a balance between striving for (unattainable) code perfection and the necessity of delivering a functioning product.

I hope that the materials I publish on CodersZone will help you on your way to mastering these skills. And along the way, I’ll also learn something, because there’s always something else to learn 😊.

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